Expert VAPT Services: Integrating MITRE & ATTACK with OWASP Top 10 for Comprehensive Cybersecurity Elevate your cybersecurity defenses with Entersoft’s specialized VAPT services, where advanced Penetration Testing meets strategic Vulnerability Assessment. Our approach is not just meticulous—it`s revolutionary, blending the MITRE & ATTACK frameworks with the principles of the OWASP Top 10. This unique combination ensures that your digital assets are not only protected but are ahead in the cybersecurity game, ready to face evolving threats.

What is MITRE & ATTACK with OWASP Top 10

Dive into the depths of Application Security with our expertly crafted services. We don’t just identify vulnerabilities; we provide a comprehensive understanding of your security landscape by simulating real-world attack scenarios, as outlined in MITRE & ATTACK, and addressing critical security risks highlighted in the OWASP Top 10. This dual-focused approach ensures a robust, multi-layered defense, fortifying your organization’s cybersecurity posture against the most sophisticated threats.

Our team of seasoned cybersecurity professionals is dedicated to unveiling and mitigating security vulnerabilities with precision and expertise. By choosing Entersoft, you’re not just getting a service; you’re adopting a proactive stance in cybersecurity, equipped with the knowledge and tools to stay one step ahead of potential threats.


Why Choose Our VAPT

Why Our VAPT Stands Out: MITRE & ATTACK Meets OWASP

Discover how our VAPT services uniquely combine MITRE & ATTACK methodologies with the OWASP Top 10 for robust cybersecurity solutions.

In today's dynamic digital world, the importance of robust data security cannot be overstated. Entersoft's VAPT services stand out by uniquely blending the MITRE & ATTACK frameworks with the OWASP Top 10 guidelines, offering a level of security that's both comprehensive and ahead of its time.

Our approach transcends traditional methods. We don't just protect your applications and systems; we fortify them against the most advanced cyber threats. By integrating proactive, scenario-based strategies from MITRE & ATTACK with the critical risk focus of OWASP Top 10, we deliver a cybersecurity solution that's robust and forward-thinking.

This fusion of methodologies enables us to provide unparalleled VAPT services, adept at identifying, assessing, and mitigating vulnerabilities across web applications, mobile platforms, and network infrastructures. Our team of cybersecurity experts utilizes the latest security testing methods to ensure your digital assets are resilient against both current and emerging threats.

Opt for Entersoft's VAPT services to not just defend but to stay ahead in the cybersecurity landscape. Our innovative approach ensures your organization is not only protected but also primed to excel amidst digital challenges.

Addressing Your Cybersecurity Concerns: Be Prepared for the Tough Questions

Imagine this scenario: You've poured resources, time, and expertise into developing your application. The big reveal to your clients is impressive, but then come the critical questions you might not have fully considered – those centered around data security.

Be Ready with Entersoft:Don’t let data security be an afterthought. With our expert VAPT services, you can confidently answer these questions and assure your clients that their data, and your application, are in safe hands. Our unique blend of MITRE & ATTACK methodologies with OWASP Top 10 guidelines ensures that your application is not just built well, but also secured well.

Are you prepared to answer these vital queries?


Is Your Application Secure?
World-class certified OSCP hackers and CREST team who bring a hacker’s mindset to go beyond traditional testing


Do You Have a Dedicated Security Team?
Having an in-house team is great, but partnering with specialized cybersecurity experts like Entersoft can elevate your security to the next level.


Have You Conducted a Comprehensive Vulnerability Analysis"
It's not just about finding vulnerabilities; it's about understanding and mitigating them. Our VAPT services provide an in-depth analysis, ensuring no stone is left unturned.


Are You Prepared for Potential Attack Routes?
Knowing potential attack vectors is crucial. Our approach simulates real-world attacks, preparing your network for any eventuality.

Mastering the Art of Cyber Resilience

Experience the precision and depth of our expert team as they meticulously scrutinize your applications and systems. Our approach to Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing (VAPT) is defined by thoroughness and expertise, ensuring every potential weakness is identified and addressed. Prepare for a level of scrutiny that transforms vulnerabilities into strengths, embodying the essence of true cyber resilience.

Why Do a Penetration Testing?

Penetration testing rigorously evaluates your IT assets' security posture, uncovering and addressing contemporary vulnerabilities that evolve daily. Opt for our service to ensure timely, effective remediation, keeping your systems resilient and one step ahead in the ever-changing cybersecurity landscape.


By conducting vulnerability assessment (VA) at key stages of product development, you can proactively identify and eliminate vulnerabilities right from the start. This helps factor in a strong security and risk posture for the product or organisation, that also fulfils regulatory and compliance requirements.

Elevating Security with Expert Penetration Testing


Entersoft stands at the forefront of cybersecurity with our advanced penetration testing services. Our elite team, skilled in the latest methodologies including MITRE & ATTACK and OWASP Top 10, excels in uncovering and mitigating vulnerabilities across web, mobile, and network infrastructures. We don't just test; we ensure your digital assets are resilient against evolving threats. Choose Entersoft for penetration testing that redefines security, offering comprehensive assurance and setting new industry benchmarks.

Explore Our Comprehensive
VAPT and Cybersecurity Solutions

Securing Your Web Applications with Expert Penetration Testing

We secure your web environment, allowing you to focus on your core business. Our innovative and thorough approach ensures vulnerabilities are identified and addressed proactively.

Fortifying Mobile Applications Against Emerging Cyber Threats

As mobile technology becomes increasingly integral to daily life, it also becomes a target for cyber threats. We help secure your mobile applications, protecting both your customers' information and your brand reputation.

Strengthening Network Defenses with Strategic Vulnerability Assessments

Our solutions protect your network, customer data, platforms, applications, and operating systems. We also assist with access management and encryption to ensure comprehensive protection.

Why ENTERSOFT is Your Trusted Partner in Cybersecurity Excellence


World-Class Certified OSCP Hackers and CREST team armed with the "hacker's perspective" to push beyond traditional testing methods and uncover vulnerabilities others may overlook.


State-of-the-Art Delivery with Entersoft’s advanced VMS Platform, which provides comprehensive insights and actionable recommendations to strengthen your security posture.


With a client portfolio boasting over 400 clients, we are trusted by governments, enterprises, and start-ups worldwide for offering a battle-tested approach to cybersecurity.


Over 8000 high & critical vulnerabilities identified and addressed


Penetration testing conducted for over 4000 unique applications

Entersoft’s VAPT

Hacker’s Perspective


Enhanced vulnerability discovery: The hacker's perspective in VAPT uncovers a broad range of vulnerabilities that otherwise go unnoticed.


Real-world attack simulation: Simulates realistic attack scenarios to provide organizations with an accurate assessment of their security posture.


Proactive threat mitigation: Enables proactive mitigation of potential threats by identifying vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.


Early identification of zero-day vulnerabilities: Adopting a hacker's perspective in VAPT enables organizations to simulate attack scenarios, increasing the likelihood of discovering and mitigating zero-day vulnerabilities before they can be exploited.

Other VAPT Vendors

Traditional Approach


Limited vulnerability detection: Misses diverse vulnerabilities due to the absence of a hacker's perspective in VAPT.


Incomplete security assessment: Fails to simulate real-world attacks, hindering a comprehensive understanding of security posture.


Reactive threat response: Lacks proactive identification and mitigation of vulnerabilities without a hacker's perspective in VAPT.


Missed zero-day vulnerabilities: Without a hacker's perspective in VAPT, there is a higher risk of overlooking and remaining unaware of zero-day vulnerabilities, leaving systems susceptible to unknown exploits and potential security breaches.