Threat modeling is a security approach that uses models to find security problems. utilizing a model implies digesting a number of elements to obtain a big picture overview rather than simply assessing the code itself. A threat model provides a way of anticipating any potential threats that could affect your organisation. Threat modeling is an auxiliary proactive approach that organizations should incorporate to lower the magnitude of attack cover for their Software and Application architecture. Threat modeling cannot be automated as it relies heavily on human intelligence to identify any potential loopholes in a system.
Threat modeling is a basic application security procedure, that all organisations should employ to bolster their security posture. By incorporating threat modeling, security architects can identify vulnerabilities allowing them to qualify for early stage mitigation, providing Coarse-Level coverage of each component in their application architecture. When undertaking a threat model, the approach can alternate between an attacker's perspective when opposing a white hat hacker or a defender's perspective opposing an attacker.
Modeling against numerous potential attack vectors, enables our security experts to design methods of successfully countering a variety of attacks. As a result, our modeling approach translates to an extremely effective and highly comprehensive mitigation strategy for your business.
Our threat modeling methodology helps your organisation to uncover any vulnerabilities without ever needing to look at the source code. We believe threat modeling is a one-time activity and should be planned or conducted during the DESIGN phase of the SDLC.
Threat modeling is a brainstorming activity, that requires abstract understanding of security infrastructure, hence all vulnerabilities identified will be detected during the design phase. Threat modeling ensures that all applications are developed with built-in security protocols from inception.
Performing penetration testing or DAST and SAST may also help in identifying vulnerabilities in your source code.
Anyone can perform a threat model. In fact, everyone performs threat models as part of their day-to-day life.
Multiple frameworks such as STRIDE, DREAD, and PASTA are available to identify potential threats. Customized threat modeling methods can be utilized, however we prefer to align with existing frameworks. Entersoft brings an entirely new, hybrid approach to application threat modeling. By focusing on each application, Entersoft observes all OWASP benchmark standards that are then incorporated into our models. This enables our security experts to address and predict any potential vulnerabilities and threats in the design phase. Entersoft's philosophy towards security and risk assessment is “Mitigation without identification of vulnerabilities is futile.”
Entersoft's threat modeling is a one-day exercise.
In 24 hrs you will get a high-level overview of the threat vectors along with controls, measures and recommendations to implement in order to mitigate any threats.